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The movie opens with a Hirata Hiroaki piece of narration.

“In the beginning...there was the soulless creator, Demiurge...Idea, the true figure of the world...and only shapeless chaotic souls had existed in the entire universe. Demiurge does not know of the existence that created him. Nor the existence of the soul. Nor even of Idea. The world he created was merely a shadow of the true world...

A mysterious black cube descends into an egg and seeps it in darkness, before it hatches…

In Odaiba, an alarm clock rings, and the camera pans over a Digivice on the desk and a photo with heavy glare on it.

Taichi reaches for the alarm clock.

A news report plays in the background, addressing mysterious mass blackouts undergoing investigation.

Somewhere in the meanwhile, four characters recognizable to the audience as Daisuke, Miyako, Ken, and Iori are severely injured and defeated by what looks to be Alphamon, in a mysterious red field. Their partners seem to be absent.

Hikari forces a reluctant Taichi to wake up, telling him he’ll be late for morning practice. Taichi gets up, puts on his uniform, puts his Digivice in his pocket, and crosses the bridge to head for school. A number of people around town seem to have mysterious problems with their electronics, while a mysterious cat-like creature can be seen running around in the background.

Taichi attends soccer practice, and is visited by Hikari, who’s there to deliver his lunch, demanding a convenience store ice cream in return. Hikari seems to have a weird amount of popularity among her brother’s teammates.

Once he enters school grounds, he sees Yamato inviting Sora to something “this Sunday”, but is sidetracked when counselor Nishijima Daigo pulls him aside and scolds him for being the only one who hasn’t turned in his career planning form.

At lunchtime, Yamato drops by Taichi’s table and also invites him to his band’s concert, explaining that his band, the TEEN-AGE WOLVES, split over “musical differences”, and that he’s formed a new one named KNIFE OF DAY. Taichi is leery at the idea of "musical differences", but Yamato angrily punches him, causing Taichi to tease him back, including about the name of the band.

Taichi declines the concert, saying he has a soccer match that day.