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A flashback to a fight in the Digital World...and Himekawa, as a child. She runs to her Digimon, a Megadramon, fallen on the ground. Waves of what seem to be water approach...

Himekawa goes to a young Nishijima, next to a fallen pair of goggles, who's also fallen over next to his partner LoaderLiomon. Behind them...the Dark Masters approach.

Suddenly, Homeostasis possesses Himekawa's body, and speaks.

"I am the one who wishes for stability. All of you are our last hope. Light is born of darkness. Darkness sails north to become water. Light sails south to give birth to fire. Wind flows between light and darkness. Light sinks into darkness and returns to earth. The chosen one who holds great power...reveal your true powers."

The ground breaks up underneath the other partners — Orochimon, Triceramon, Hippogryphomon, and LoaderLiomon — and they're encased in light, while Homeostasis leaves Himekawa's body.

Nishijima grabs her as she falls, and tries to get her to run away, but she worries about Megadramon, who's not being encased in light. But the Dark Masters attack, and Megadramon ends up shielding the two of them and falling over.

The other four children besides Himekawa and their partners are encased in similar bubbles of light, and rise.

Megadramon's body rises into the air. The four other Chosen Digimon evolve into the Four Holy Beasts...and all attack Megadramon at once, which transforms them into a beam of light that destroys the Dark Masters.

The sky clears, and Maki looks up at the sky in despair, wondering why only four of them got to be "chosen".

She looks at her own Digivice. The screen is now cracked.

"All things are created from a true trait, and that trait is shared. Each trait equally influences each other as it changes to its next form. However, what happens to those who could not receive any influence?"

Meiko kneels in front of Tokyo Big Sight, looks at her black Digivice, and recalls the sight of the berserk Meicrackmon. She looks at her Digivice, and it glows lightly. She wonders if Meicoomon is crying.

The scene of a familiar trolley and lake appears...