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The mysterious man's voice: "The one born of great darkness. It is the black fire that will reduce all to ashes. The dark power that dances in madness inside the storm of chaos. However...after the fire dies, the rich soil will be resurrected. The earth shall once again flow with abundance and joy."

Hikari continues to despair over Taichi's apparent death, saying that they were always together, on stormy days and clear days and rainy days — even on days when he struggled, or was angry, she had always been there to watch.

She has a vision of a recreation of the scene from Part 1 when she had woken up her brother, only for her to pull off the blankets and find the bed empty...

Takeru's voice calls out to her. Hikari snaps back into the real world, crying. Takeru asks if she's okay, and she nods, but still seems to be miserable.

As the Digital World's sky is thrown into chaos, everyone sits in solemn silence.

Mimi points at the sky, where they can see Odaiba in it. The others look up at it, and Koushirou says that the boundary between the Digital World and the real world is disappearing.

Tentomon and Gomamon cheerfully muse that this means they could go to the real world anytime they want, but Jou says that the problem is whether the real world will even be left by then. Mimi says that if it all gets swallowed by the Digital World, Yggdrasil will get exactly what they want.

Yamato grits his teeth and clutches Taichi's goggles.

Koushirou says that he's worried about Homeostasis's next move, given that Meicoomon absorbed the dark-evolved Ophanimon and has gotten stronger. Homeostasis, the one who wishes for stability and harmony, would probably not let this go.

Hikari looks dejected hearing about Ophanimon, and Meiko looks at her sadly.

Jou agrees, and Sora says that they need to find Meicoomon.

A distortion opens. Koushirou identifies it as leading to the real world.

Yamato takes charge, telling them that they'll all go.