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A flying plane has its controls scrambled by sudden digital interference. The pilots are forced to land manually because of the nonfunctional autopilot, and the plane only barely manages to make a landing.

Himekawa and Nishijima watch the corresponding news report. Nishijima asks if Meicoomon is the cause of all of this. Himekawa says that it's likely, and Nishijima asks why she didn't say anything about the fact that the infected Digimon were aiming for her.

Just then, Himekawa gets a call, and says that "Professor Mochizuki" has arrived. Nishijima continues to protest, saying that if she had told him earlier about Meicoomon, they might have been able to support them better at the school.

Himekawa and Nishijima watch the corresponding news report. Nishijima asks if Meicoomon is the cause of all of this. Himekawa says that it's likely, and Nishijima asks why she didn't say anything about the fact that the infected Digimon were aiming for her.

Himekawa says that their priority is to discuss countermeasures, and leaves. Nishijima sighs.

After the end of the school festival, one of Mimi's classmates thanks her for her hard work and praises her for making the dance a huge success. Mimi, still clearly feeling down, says that it was thanks to everyone's hard work, and she notices that the other girls in her class have now started to want to wear the sexy outfits.

Mimi overhears that Meiko had gone out earlier to take out the trash a while back, but hadn't returned since. Mimi, worried, goes off to look for her.

Outside the classroom, the site of the distortion has now been blocked off and is being patrolled by a bunch of Bureau agents.

Mimi finds Meiko moping in the hallway, but seeing her causes Meiko to drop the trash can and run away. Sora sees the incident, while Mimi chases after Meiko. As Mimi and Sora reach Meiko, Meiko falls to her knees, having traumatized flashbacks to Meicoomon killing Leomon. Sora and Mimi comfort her and tell her that they're there for her.

Takeru and Hikari go to visit the Ichijouji residence, but nobody seems to be home.

Takeru and Hikari seem to have sent out emails, but gotten no response. Hikari reflects on seeing "Ichijouji-kun" as the "Kaiser", and Takeru reassures her it'll be fine and that they'll continue to investigate.

Hikari blushes at Takeru and notices that he's "grown up".

At Koushirou's server room, Yamato gets what's presumably an email from Hikari and Takeru, and passes on the message that nobody was at the residence. Everyone seems moderately concerned about this.

The other Digimon cheerfully beg for food, and Tentomon nonchalantly excludes Meicoomon's from his food prep count, exasperating the others except for Agumon, who still can't figure out what he said wrong.